This paper documents an historic multi-party visit to Nabarlek Uranium Mine in the Northern Territory in 2023 aimed at facilitating knowledge exchange around closure at multiple levels, including between Aboriginal landowning groups, Indigenous knowledge holders and western ecologists, and air comparisons between experiences at Nabarlek and Ranger mines. It is written from the standpoint of university researchers interested in mine closure on the Indigenous estate who were invited to attend the trip as passive observers. The paper and CSRM’s participation was funded by ERA Ltd.
Language: English
Publisher: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Region: Australia
Type: Occasional Paper
Barnes, R. and Holcombe, S. (2023) A Day in the life of Nabarlek mine rehabilitation: Report on 1 June 2023 visit to Madjawarr land. Occasional Paper. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, The University of Queensland: Brisbane.