This report documents the findings of a survey of both former and current Aboriginal employees of Argyle Diamond Mine (Argyle). Rio Tinto commissioned The University of Queensland’s Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) to conduct the study. The mine ceased production in late 2020. The report builds on previous CSRM research completed in 2007 titled, Survey of Aboriginal Former Employees and Trainees of Argyle Diamond Mine. This research collected information about outcomes achieved by former employees since exiting the business.Rio Tinto has indicated that these research findings assisted the company in tracking their contribution to human capital in the East Kimberley region and designing workplace retention strategies.
Rio Tinto has since provided a response to this report in the cover letter found here.
Language: English
Publisher: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Region: Australia
Type: Report
Parmenter, J. Harris, J. and Alexander, R. (2020) Aboriginal Employment Outcomes at Argyle Diamond Mine: Survey of current and former employees. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining. University of Queensland. Brisbane.