Gemstone value is often associated with origin as particular color, clarity, and other attributes of interest to consumers are often determined by the geological location of the stone. In this paper, we consider how the provenance of gemstones is harnessed through the 4 P framework of product, price, promotion, and place. Both tanzanite and zultanite/csarite are currently each found in only one location in the world. Tanzanite is mined in Mererani, near Arusha, Tanzania, and zultanite/csarite is mined in Milas, near Mugla, Turkey. While this rarity and other attributes such as the color and durability of tanzanite were successfully leveraged so that tanzanite attained global recognition, zultanite/csarite has remained largely unknown. Our study examines the potential reasons why tanzanite and zultanite/csarite have experienced such different degrees of success on the global gemstone market. Our main findings are that rarity itself is not an inadequate determinant of value and that consumer preferences for color need to be carefully marketed with a powerful storyline and linked to other sectors such as tourism.

Language: English

Publisher: Elsevier BV

Region: Europe

Type: Article


Altingoz, M., Smith, N., Sebnem D., Syvrud, P. & Ali, S. (2019). Color and local heritage in gemstone branding: a comparative study of blue zoisite (tanzanite) and color-changing diaspore (zultanite/csarite). The Extractive Industries and Society 6 (4) 1030-1039.

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Color and local heritage in gemstone branding: a comparative study of blue zoisite (tanzanite) and color-changing diaspore (zultanite/csarite)

Color and local heritage in gemstone branding: a comparative study of blue zoisite (tanzanite) and color-changing diaspore (zultanite/csarite)