The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) and its members are focused on ensuring effective processes for preventing and handling community complaints and grievances. Discussion, knowledge and capacity building are integral to enabling a more professionalised approach to community relations and conflict management, and improving industry performance in this area. This report aims to contribute to this process by outlining potential 'topics for discussion' for further industry dialogue on rights-compatible, non-judicial community grievance mechanisms and Australian minerals companies. There have been increasing calls from a range of stakeholders, including civil society and international non-government organisations (NGOs) - Oxfam Australia in particular - for more effective corporate accountability mechanisms. International interest in this area continues to grow. The MCA and its member companies are primarily concerned with improving operational-level approaches to resolving community complaints and grievances, however, are aware of growing interest and activity on this issue internationally, and are open to contributing to discussion on the practical aspects of third-party mechanisms, where they meet community need through suitable avenues, including the ICMM.

Publisher: Minerals Council of Australia & CSRM

Region: Global

Type: Report


Kemp, D, Gotzmann, N, 2009. Community Complaints and Grievance Mechanisms and the Australian Minerals Industry. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, The University of Queensland. Discussion Paper. Brisbane.

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Community complaints and grievance mechanisms and the Australian minerals industry

Community complaints and grievance mechanisms and the Australian minerals industry