This special issue aims to create a space for rethinking current approaches to “complex orebodies”. Our introductory paper surveys recent developments in the field and identifies a range of challenges that are affecting our collective ability to engage the complex systems associated with future global metal supply. Interdisciplinary mining research remains in its infancy, with single-discipline, technical studies continuing to dominate. Social and environmental factors that lie “beyond the fence” are too often over-simplified and overlooked in resource characterisation and extractive industries. In this special issue, we profile developments in the field and engage the challenges of working in inter-disciplinary, boundary-spanning research in mining. Our paper introduces the special issue, and invites contributing authors to critically engage the conditions and prospects that lie ahead.

Language: English

Publisher: Resources Policy

Region: Australia

Type: Article


Lèbre, E., Owen, J., Kemp, D. and R. Valenta., (2022). Complex orebodies and the future global metal supply: An introduction. Resources Policy, Volume 77, 102696.

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Complex orebodies and future global metal supply: An introduction

Complex orebodies and future global metal supply: An introduction