This document presents key findings from research undertaken as part of a larger project to develop a social responsibility (SR) audit/assessment protocol for Newmont Mining. It documents some of the key corporate-level processes currently being used to audit and assess social performance of operations. It was prepared following rapid desktop research, interviews with 11 senior representatives from nine multinational resource companies and one industry organisation and a further four interviews with stakeholders from academia and non-government organisations. Appendix 1 provides a list of interviewees. During the last decade, many resource companies have expanded the scope of their corporate-level policies, standards and management systems to include SR aspects. These documents specify minimum requirements in key thematic areas such as human rights, grievance management, community engagement and development and mine closure, in addition to requirements for key process or "systems? aspects, such as social baseline studies, social impact assessment, risk assessment, planning, monitoring, document control and the like. While there is always scope for refinement of policies and standards, a key challenge is ensuring that corporate-level requirements translate into a consistently good social performance at the operational level.

Publisher: CSRM

Region: Global

Type: Report


Brereton, David J., Kemp, Deanna, Evans, Robin and Keenan, Julia (2010). Corporate assessment of site-level social performance in the resources industry: A brief summary of current and emerging practice. , Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute.

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Corporate assessment of site-level social performance in the resources industry

Corporate assessment of site-level social performance in the resources industry