This discussion paper presents a desktop analysis, bolstered by a series of qualitative interviews with practitioners, on the topic of Indigenous Cultural Mapping with a focus on the Australian context. The First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance (the Alliance) commissioned CSRM at The University of Queensland to undertake this work. This review of Indigenous Cultural Mapping forms part of a broader research program developed by the Alliance in partnership with the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). The partnership between the Australian government and the Alliance has been established to develop options to reform First Nations Cultural Heritage Protections nationally.
Language: English
Publisher: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Region: Australia
Type: Report
Holcombe, S. 2023. “Indigenous Cultural Mapping in Australia: a desktop review”. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining. The University of Queensland: Brisbane. Prepared for the First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance.