Allied Gold, through Gold Ridge Mining Ltd. (GRML) has re-opened the Gold Ridge Mine in the Solomon Islands. This involved an A$150 million refurbishment and expansion of the existing plant to increase capacity from 2.0Mtpa to 2.5Mtpa. First gold was produced in March 2011. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) loaned the Group a portion of the re-development cost, requiring an ongoing program of independent external monitoring to demonstrate compliance with the IFC Performance Standards. This involves monitoring the project performance of management of social issues and the implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). The Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) has been engaged as the Independent Resettlement Monitor for the Social Audit. The third monitoring report provides findings based on interviews and public meetings conducted in October 2011.

Publisher: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining


Owen, J. & Weldegiorgis, F. 2011. Gold Ridge Mining Project - Social and Resettlement Action Plan. 3rd Independent Monitoring Report. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining. Brisbane, Australia.

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Gold Ridge mining project - social and resettlement action plan. 3rd independent monitoring report

Gold Ridge mining project - social and resettlement action plan. 3rd independent monitoring report