Tragadero Grande: land, human rights, and international standards in the conflict between the Chaupe family and Minera Yanacocha, report of the independent fact finding mission Citation: Martin, T., Cervantes, M., Mendes, M. & Kemp, D. (2016) Tragadero Grande: Land, human rights and international standards in the conflict between the Chaupe family and Minera Yanacocha Publisher: RESOLVE, Washington DC Type: ReportRegion: GlobalView More
Designing sustainability certification for greater impact: perceptions, expectations and recommendations in sustainability certification schemes Citation: Mori Junior, R. and Ali, S.H. (2016). Designing Sustainability Certification for Greater Impact: Perceptions, expectations and recommendations in sustainability certification schemes. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM), The University of Queensland. Brisbane. Publisher: CSRM Type: ReportRegion: GlobalView More
Differentiated social risk: rebound dynamics and sustainability performance in mining Publisher: Resources Policy Type: ArticleRegion: GlobalView More
Lessons from implementing free prior and informed consent (FPIC) in the Philippines: a case study for teaching purposes - facilitator Citation: Collins, N., Ali, S., & Lawson, L. (2016) Lessons from Implementing Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in the Philippines: A Case Study for Teaching Purposes and Facilitator Publisher: CSRM and The Pavetta Foundation Type: ReportRegion: GlobalView More
Universities in contentious energy debates Citation: Hardie, E., Smith Devetak, N. "Universities in contentious energy debates Publisher: Energy Research and Social Science Type: ArticleRegion: GlobalView More
Transformations of rural society and environments by extraction of mineral and energy resources Citation: Everingham, J. (2016). Transformations of rural society and environments by extraction of mineral and energy resources. In Mark Shucksmith and David L. Brown (Ed.), International Handbook of Rural Studies (pp. 272-298) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. Publisher: Routledge Type: Book ChapterRegion: GlobalView More
Human health and safety in artisanal and small-scale mining: an integrated approach to risk mitigation Citation: N.M., Ali, S., Bofinger, C. and Collins, N. (2016) Human health and safety in artisanal and small-scale mining: An integrated approach to risk mitigation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129: 43-52. Publisher: Journal of Cleaner Production Type: ArticleRegion: AustraliaView More
Why agreements matter Citation: Everingham, J., Kemp, D., Ali, S., Cornish, G., Brereton, D., Parmenter, J., Langton, M., Harvey, B., et al. (2016) Why Agreements Matter. Rio Tinto. Publisher: Rio Tinto Type: Guide / HandbookRegion: GlobalView More
An evaluation framework for STEM enrichment programs Publisher: CSRM Type: ReportRegion: GlobalView More
Sustainability certification schemes: evaluating their effectiveness and adaptability Citation: Mori Junior, R., Franks, D.M., Ali, S.H. (2016) "Sustainability certification schemes: evaluating their effectiveness and adaptability", Corporate Governance, Vol. 16 Iss: 3, pp.579 - 592 Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited Type: ArticleRegion: AustraliaView More
Mineral resources and localised development: Q-methodology for rapid assessment of socioeconomic impacts in Rwanda Citation: Weldegiorgis, F. and Ali, S (2016) Mineral resources and localised development: Q-methodology for rapid assessment of socioeconomic impacts in Rwanda. Resources Policy, 49: 1-11. Publisher: Resources Policy Type: ArticleRegion: AustraliaView More
The ABC of social responsibility in mining: a manual on how to obtain social consensus in the extractive sector Citation: de la Flor Olavide, A., & Lawson, L. (eds.) (2016) The ABC of Social Responsibility in Mining: A Manual on how to obtain Social Consensus in the Extractive Sector. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining-SMI, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Publisher: CSRM Type: ReportRegion: GlobalView More
ILO policy note: inclusive business practices in Africa's extractive industries Publisher: International Labour Office (ILO) Type: ReportRegion: GlobalView More
Myanmar and the natural resource charter 28 priority issues for the extractives industries Citation: Bauer, A., Heller, P., Pitman, R., Salomon, M., Shortell, P., Westenberg, E., Woodroffe, N., Rogers, P., Cornish, G., & Bowman, V. (2016) Myanmar and the Natural Resource Charter: 28 Priority Issues for the Extractive Industries Publisher: The Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) Type: ReportView More
An overview of the coal seam gas developments in Queensland Citation: Towler, B., Firouzi, M., Underschultz, J., Rifkin, W., Garnett, A., Schultz, H., Esterle, J., Tyson, S. & Witt, K. (2016) An overview of the coal seam gas developments in Queensland. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,31 249-271. Publisher: Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering Type: ArticleRegion: AustraliaView More
Desde la Minería a la Nueva Economía: Principios de Diseño para el Desempeño Social Citation: Flynn, S. 2016, "Desde la Minería a la Nueva Economía: Principios de Diseño para el Desempeño Social", part of the CSRM Occasional Papers series, University of Queensland. Publisher: CSRM Type: Occasional PaperRegion: GlobalView More
From mining to the new economy: design principles for social performance Citation: Flynn, S. 2016, "From Mining to the New Economy: Design Principles for Social Performance", part of the CSRM Occasional Papers series, University of Queensland. Publisher: CSRM Type: Occasional PaperRegion: GlobalView More
Final report: can traditional livelihoods & mining co-exist in a changing climate Publisher: Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research Type: ReportRegion: MongoliaView More
Socio-ecological tools in the development of mineral infrastructure Publisher: AIIRA Research Report Type: ReportRegion: AustraliaView More
Good practice guide Indigenous peoples and mining - second edition Publisher: ICMM International Council on Mining and Metals Type: Guide / HandbookRegion: GlobalView More
Promoviendo la Inclusión Social en la Planeación Minera Nacional: reflexiones y aprendizajes Citation: LA INCLUSI Publisher: CSRM Type: ReportRegion: South AmericaView More
A third party review of the Barrick/Porgera Joint Venture off-lease resettlement pilot: operating context and opinion on suitability Citation: Kemp, D., and J.R. Owen (2015). A third party review of the Barrick/Porgera Joint Venture off-lease resettlement pilot: Operating context and opinion on suitability. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM), The University of Queensland: Brisbane. Publisher: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining Type: ReportRegion: South PacificView More
Problems of regulatory governance in the mining sector in Asia Citation: O'Callaghan, T. & Vivoda, V. (2015) Problems of regulatory governance in the mining sector in Asia. Transnational Corporations, 22 1: 31-57. Publisher: UNCTAD's Transnational Corporations Type: ArticleRegion: GlobalView More
Benchmarking leading practice in Aboriginal business procurement in the extractive resource sector Citation: Barnes, R., Harvey, B. & Kemp, D. (2015). ‘Benchmarking Leading Practice in Aboriginal Business Procurement in the Extractive Resource Sector’. A report prepared by CSRM for AEMEE under the AEMEE and QGC Partnership Agreement. CSRM Brisbane. Publisher: A report prepared by CSRM for AEMEE under the AEMEE and QGC Partnership Agreement Type: ReportRegion: AustraliaView More
KRED Enterprises: building and sustaining independent Aboriginal economic development Publisher: CSRM Type: ReportRegion: AustraliaView More